Listening: Humility by Alistair Begg

Listening: Humility by Alistair Begg

Alistair Begg, pastor of Parkside Church in Ohio and helpful resource Truth for Life, taught a four part Dallas Theological Seminary chapel series going through Humility, Anxiety, Adversity, and Security. The 30 minute video message on humility takes us from being aware of self-love and self-glorification to be humbled before God through the Bible passage of 1 Peter 5:6, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” 

Listening: Telos Center

Listening: Telos Center

We have begun the organization and resource for equipping and training people in truth and love in varying context of life, Telos Center. The phrase is a purposeful and instructional phrase to capture the biblical pattern of what is to happen to any of us when listening and learning from God, his word, and living in the world. We want to provide helpful resources that reveal, affirm, and exemplify God's work on us to live for him in real life. Therefore, what finishes (telos) our hearts aims (telos) our life.

Listening: Promises by Sanctus Real

Listening: Promises by Sanctus Real

I'm posting this more for the lyrics that encourage, and Sanctus Real provides a helpful and reflective song for when life suffering and difficulties his home and hit hard. They calls us to remember scripture, get into God's word, and "hold onto his promises." "Let God's word be your strength" rings true as his he is stronger than life and anything that comes with it. This is true as we humbly live by truths, principals, and conviction through life's ups and downs as well as goods and evils. Either we turn to God's steadfast word and love or we look to the world for answers, comfort, and security. Those that turn to the Lord also build community with one another to no longer walk life alone.

Listening: What are you doing in Sacramento? Planting the Gospel

Listening: What are you doing in Sacramento? Planting the Gospel

Plant the Gospel video produced by Together for the Gospel is a unique and helpful resource to overall explain what we are doing in Sacramento which is to live and love for Christ that results in a unified and localized church community. Telos pastors are not here to "plant churches" but "plant the gospel and it bears fruit and forms a community." The gospel is also not a means to an end of wanting a local church to appear but the gospel is the reason for a local church to appear and pastors pastor to God's end.

What are you doing in Sacramento and beyond? Wanting God to become the epicenter of people's hearts and lives that love others to reveal the gospel as truly good news to be justified and sanctified by.

Listening: The Real God by Chip Ingram

Listening: The Real God by Chip Ingram

Pastor Chip Ingram addresses Dallas Seminary's first night chapel during the 2016 Fall semester with a message really for anyone. The intro video Chip plays brings clarity to what he's addressing and bringing us to understand which is trusting and knowing the Creator God. Chip brings us from how we view God to how God wants us to view and trust him.

Listening: How to Listen to God by Dr. Stanley Toussaint

Listening: How to Listen to God by Dr. Stanley Toussaint

Dr. Stanley Toussaint addresses Dallas Seminary in "How to Listen to God and God's Word." The message serves anyone beyond being a seminary student. Dr. Toussaint brings a heritage of humility and honesty in teaching God's word. Dr. Toussaint makes clear that God has revealed himself in many ways and mainly in two primary ways of his world and the word, in which ultimately and supremely through the Living Word of Jesus Christ.

Listening: King's Kaleidoscope Christmas Songs: Live In Season

Listening: King's Kaleidoscope Christmas Songs: Live In Season

Listen to these lyrics from hymns sung recently by the music group, King's Kaleidoscope. You can watch their 2015 "Live in Season" album of 5 hymns below or on their youtube playlist. King's Kaleidoscope's music is available on iTunes ("Live in Season") as well, providing a robust list of albums and lyrics that reveals depth and width of scripture from old hymns sung contemporarily. Hymns uniquely and adequately provide lyrics filled with truth for anthemic, passionate expression, especially when sung collectively with resounding conviction.

Listening: Sovereign Grace Christmas Music: Prepare Him Room

Listening: Sovereign Grace Christmas Music: Prepare Him Room

Sovereign Grace Music put together this great 2014 album, Prepare Him Room, somberly capturing the Christmas truth of the biblical and historical story of Jesus the Christ's divine birth into humanity for anyone to listen to and especially for local churches to corporately sing together. Their website also provides musical charts for instruments and direction. Sovereign Grace Music's website provides lyrics, varying ways to purchase the album beyond the iTunes album. Here's three musical sessions singing through the Prepare Him Room album.

Listening: Ghost Ship Music

Listening: Ghost Ship Music

Ghost Ship music albums are available on iTunes especially their 2015 music album, Costly, capturing the truths of God and the costly life in following him in real life. As you find time to listen and even share, think through these lyrics which tied directly into profound and overarching truths in scripture bringing listeners to be challenged, comforted, and convicted. A few other impactful music albums that combine some new renditions to old hymns include A River With No End and The Good King

Listening: Missio Dei by Dr. Mark Young

Listening: Missio Dei by Dr. Mark Young

We hope you become rocked on how you think about God, Christianity, church, and life through this teaching video series by Dr. Mark Young. Dr. Young had taught the below video series at Dallas Theological Seminary's chapel on the critical concept of Missio Dei. Dr. Young's 4 part chapel series completed in one chapel series week provides the origin and history of the phrase and overarching truths of scripture through the lens of Missio Dei.

Listening: Shane and Shane Music: Bring Your Nothing Album

Listening: Shane and Shane Music: Bring Your Nothing Album

Shane and Shane music albums provide a combination of simplicity and profoundness. The above video from Shane and Shane previews their 2013 "Bring Your Nothing" album. Their album title rightly explains the a core truth in our relationship to God, that we have nothing and he is everything. What's interesting is that God values his creation of humanity but he is the one who determines, describes, and distributes value. Shane and Shane's music provide a biblical and theological frame that helps consider God and his love to anyone one of us, especially through the gospel of the person and work of Christ Jesus.

Listening: Shane and Shane Music: The One You Need Album

Listening: Shane and Shane Music: The One You Need Album

Shane and Shane explain their album "The One You Need" in the below video and lyrics as the song comes from a parental heart of a prayer, confession, and counsel to their kids (daughters) to trust Christ as the one you need and the only true love in life knowing full well that they are temporal and he's truthful and eternal. They explain that the only 'true love' in life is in the person and work of Christ Jesus -- the one you need.

Listening: Giving: Should Christians Give to the Local Church They Gather With?

Listening: Giving: Should Christians Give to the Local Church They Gather With?

There are certainly misuses and abuses of both the biblical interpretation and application regarding the answer to this question for us after the New Testament days, but that is not to hinder or excuse any Christian from researching and living by the question's answer. More so, it's never a 'should' but a 'want' (desire) to give. Giving is a desire when we become a Christian, in which we have trusted in Christ to follow him. There certainly seems to be extremes in life, especially regarding topics like 'church giving' or 'tithing', where one answers the question with pragmatic or spiritualized reasons to give or not give. Instead of extremes or bi-polar opposites, let's find sound answers and live differently than the world for the sake of God and his good news to the world.

Giving: 7 Articles on Financial Giving or Tithing

Giving: 7 Articles on Financial Giving or Tithing

Want to Hear God and See Miracles, Healings, Signs, Wonders, and an Angelic Message?

Want to Hear God and See Miracles, Healings, Signs, Wonders, and an Angelic Message?

If you want to, then hear me as a friend, sitting down with you with a light-hearted smile, with all seriousness, and years of research along with friends saying 'look at this (miracle, healing, etc.)' while redirecting you to be one not looking for any of those things but

“looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2 ESV)

What Mood Does God Want His Church to be in? A Mood of Repentance

What Mood Does God Want His Church to be in? A Mood of Repentance

Pastors, leaders, and overall churches (people) are led down a path of decisions of "how" to setup a context like a Sunday service, small group Bible study, kid's ministry, Sunday school, outreach ministries, and the path seems to never end (which is revealing in and of itself). The "how" mainly translates into setting the mood to keep the attention of people engaged or ensuring reverent order of tradition. Variables and conditions are looked through like that of curriculum or teaching content to location and even ambience to align and support the "how."

How to Read and Study the Bible

How to Read and Study the Bible

Keep it simple when reading the Bible by staying at the intersection of method, motivation, and message. (Footnote: We don't think you end up becoming culturally weird, socially inept, cultish, cliquish, unloving, and the list can go on when reading the Bible. We see these are the inevitable when we don't stay in the intersection.)

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