NT: 2 Corinthians

Teaching: Don't Live by the Scars of Your Past -- Live by Christ Jesus Scarred for You

Teaching: Don't Live by the Scars of Your Past -- Live by Christ Jesus Scarred for You

Our past might be filled with scars from wounds self-inflicted or inflicted by others. The scars may be physical and more often they are deeply emotional, memorable, and spiritual. Smells, sights, or sounds can quickly trigger the wounds as if they were being inflicted again from the past into the present. How does one get rid of the scars, wounds, or the triggers? Is there anyway to diminish or reduce their impact on your living today?

Teaching: The Most Important Thing in Life -- A Series from 1 & 2 Corinthians

Coming this Spring 2020 is a new series on “The Most Important Thing in Life!” We will take you through history and the Bible, specifically in the Bible’s New Testament books (also ‘letters’ or ‘epistles’) of 1 and 2 Corinthians. These two books are written by the Christian apostle, Paul, who originally was a Jewish leader of the Pharisees group and later transformed to follow Jesus.

These two books he writes include a vast amount of topics, themes, life issues, doctrines, personal history, theology, etc. but he summarizes everything into one important thing. The one important thing in life affects, aims, and aligns our life to it. By this one important thing in life, he lived and died. Paul found his greatest joy, worst sufferings, and ongoing purpose in the most important thing in life. Paul also instructs, teaches, guides, counsels, rebukes, corrects, influences, and engages people because of the most important thing in life.

Sometimes we may have believed and behaved as Paul did in his past, trying to question God and live however we want to — whether that’s legalistically (what we think is right) or licentiously (what we want to do regardless). We may be inquisitive or even antagonistic to God and ask questions like the following:

  1. Is the world during the Bible days really different from our world?

  2. Is the Bible out-dated, irrelevant, unhelpful, and only for museums?

  3. Why can’t I just live the way I want to in this life?

  4. Since I am born a certain way and pre-disposed to do whatever I want, then what’s wrong with that?

  5. Since other people are not doing what God wants, then why should I care?

These questions and statements seem to be ever increasing and endless. Like every generation, there’s a tsunami wave of questions always bearing down on the culture in order to seemingly excuse one’s self to live however by attempting to dismiss and disprove God. And instead of seeking truth and doing what’s loving, we try to use, twist, and cover up truth and labeling it “loving.”

No matter the questions, God answers, hence why Paul wrote these two books of the Bible to the Corinthians. Paul addresses countless topics like:

  1. God

  2. People worship

  3. False teachings

  4. Deception

  5. Temptation and mockery

  6. Incest

  7. Sexual morality and immorality

  8. Marriage and singleness

  9. Food and restaurants

  10. Lord’s Supper, communion

  11. Skills, talents, and gifting

  12. Love

  13. Jesus and the gospel

  14. Churches, fellowship, and specific people

  15. Afflictions, suffering and pain

  16. History, Roman empire, Corinth, Greece, Macedonia and other regions

  17. Financial generosity

  18. People involved and being Christian in real life

  19. The most important thing in life

And God is good and he remains steadfast throughout every generation revealing himself that brings people to be “inspired by truth and love to make life, disciples, and churches all about Jesus” — as Paul says:

“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”

(1 Corinthians 2:2 ESV)

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