FAQ: What should I expect on a Sunday Gathering?

We gather together on Sundays with the relational, flexible, and hospitable format below. Right now, we might not be numerically big enough for people to hide, and we might be small enough to at least recognize that you are a human entering the door. Some gathering with us are learning, researching, and working out who God is or who he is not. But overall, we have set out as people inspired by truth and love to make life, disciples, and churches all about Jesus, with the longing to see pastors and people multiplying into healthy, long term churches with the same, unified mission.

We remind people that Christianity is not defined by who we are or not, sins and life 'baggage', by the numbers of people, a 'model' or 'type of' church or church service/gathering, personality or lack thereof, or anything else but by the one we believe in - God and the gospel. So, we are not defined by our Sunday gathering/church service, how well we 'performed', or 'our programs'. We are defined by the one we believe in and share in that as we gather on Sundays. Therefore, we encourage you to engage the truth about God and the gospel, and hopefully, be encouraged by the love of those around because of him -- hence what and how we believe.

Sunday Gathering

  1. Time: People arrive between 10-10:30pm allowing time for people to catch up and talk through life, meet anyone new, help as needed, and prepare and involve kids.

    1. 10:00/30 - We arrive, connect, relate, and help as needed.

    2. 10:30/45 - We pray and teach/preach.

    3. 11:30/45 - We sing and take communion.

    4. 11:45/Noon - We go to lunch.

  2. Kids: All kids may stay with their parents/guardians. Kids 2-6 years old may also go with the assigned teacher for that Sunday for an hour that includes a Bible lesson, crafts, snacks, and play. All kids come together for the remainder time for singing and communion.

  3. Visitors/Guests/Friends: Most likely you have heard about Telos Church(es) through a friend, family member, or even neighbor. We would love for you to come, and feel free to ask questions, listen, and so on. We are relational, casual, and hospitable. We might be weird since we believe in Jesus, but eh, that's okay, you are weird also ;)

  4. Teaching: We teach through books of the Bible and address life topics and issues. There are all various bad ways of teaching, and we don't think we do those :) Our intention is to explain (teach) and train people how to read God's word and history while simultaneously training them to trust Christ with the entirety of their life -- well beyond a Sunday. We teach to train and train to trust.

  5. Singing: We sing collectively/together, mainly hymn or hymn-like songs (i.e. biblically or doctrinally accurate and good). We are unconcerned about tradition or trends, since we sing from what God does to the heart regardless of skills and 'style of worship'.

  6. Communion: Christians do this by eating (bread) and drinking (grape juice or wine) together while reading some relevant passages. God wants any Christian church to do this as often as we can, like a weekly gathering context, to remember the historical and biblical truth of the gospel regarding Jesus' body (bread) and blood (drink) was shed for us graciously and lovingly for his reasons to bring us into relationship to him through his forgiveness of sins and separation from him.

  7. Baptisms: We do this anytime, especially on a Sunday, for anyone who has become a Christian according to what God has commanded to be a symbolic explanation and obedient expression of what God does to our sin and separation from him -- salvation in Christ. The dunking under water shows a cleansing away and killing of sin while the coming up from the water represents reconciliation to him to live.

  8. Financial Giving/Tithing: We currently use the online format for Christians gathering. Cash or check information is available on our online format page, and can be placed in the offering box in the entrance area next to the Bibles, books, and handouts.

  9. Relationships: We encourage people to connect during and beyond Sunday gatherings as raw, real, and reproducible relationships because God and the gospel are at work in hearts to humble and transform one another to love.

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